Mps2222 mps2222a2motorola smallsignal transistors, fets and diodes device dataelectrical characteristics ta 25c unless otherwise noted continued. Mps2222a, mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a npn general purpose transistor datasheet, buy mps2222a transistor. Mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a pdf, mps2222a data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf, continental device india limited, 0. Samsung npn epitaxial silicon transistor general purpose transistor,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors.
On special request, this transistor is also manufactured in the pin configuration to18. Recall that a diode consists of a n doped or excess. Mps2222a 600ma, 75v elektronische bauelemente npn plastic encapsulated transistor. Mps2222, mps2222a mps2222a is a preferred device general purpose transistors npn silicon features. Browse over 30,000 products, including electronic components, computer products, electronic kits and projects, robotics, power supplies and more.
The theory and labeling of the terminals is a little different for the jfet. To92 plasticencapsulate transistors mps2222a transistor npn feature complementary npn type available mps2907a maximum ratings t a25. Emitter saturation voltage vcesat ic 150ma, ib 15ma. Npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor for switching and amplifier applications. Collector current c f, g a i n l b a n d w i d t h t p r o d u c t a m h z t v 5vce 0. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so dont worry about it. It was originally made in the to18 metal can as shown in the picture the 2n2222 is considered a very common transistor, and is used as an. The basic bipolar transistor or bjt is two diodes constructed back to back on a piece of silicon.
Mps2222a, mps2222a npn general purpose transistor, buy mps2222a transistor. Pin configuration pinout of the mps2222a the mps2222a is manufactured in a plastic to92 case. Mpsa92, mpsa93 high voltage transistors pnp silicon features pb. General purpose transistors npn silicon, mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a circuit, mps2222a data sheet. However, it has the pin connections in the opposite order i. Read online mps2222, mps2222a general purpose transistors book pdf free download link book now. The ge transistor manual was, and still is even though it has been out of print for generations, one of the best compendiums of information about designing transistor based circuits. Unit small signal current gain at vce 10 v, ic 1 ma, f 1 khz hfe 50 300 at vce 10 v, ic 10 ma, f 1 khz 75 375 output admittance at vce 10 v, ic 1 ma, f 1 khz hoe 5. Mps2222 npn transistor complementary pnp, replacement, pinout.
The mps2222a is manufactured in a plastic to92 case. Trans npn ss gp 30v to92 online from elcodis, view and download mps2222 pdf datasheet, transistors bjt single specifications. Our pdf merger allows you to quickly combine multiple pdf files into one single pdf document, in just a few clicks. Mps2222 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Yes, the bc337 can substitute for the mps2222a, in fact in most respects it is better e. Npn general purpose transistors, especially suited for use in driver stages of audio.
Npn epitaxial silicon transistorgeneral purpose transistor, mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a circuit, mps2222a data sheet. Another kind of transistor is the junction field effect transistor of jfet. Mps2222, mps2222a mps2222a is a preferred device general purpose transistors npn silicon maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collectoremitter voltage mps2222 mps2222a vceo 30 40 vdc collectorbase voltage mps2222 mps2222a vcbo 60 75 vdc emitterbase voltage mps2222 mps2222a vebo 5. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the motorola product could create a situation where personal injury.
Aah 200711 mmbt2222a smd general purpose transistor npn. You can use all semiconductor datasheet in alldatasheet, by no fee and no register. Mps2222a small signal transistors npn features npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor for switching and amplifier applications. Soda pdf merge tool allows you to combine two or more documents into a single pdf file for free. Preferred devices are recommended choices for future use. The voltage across the transistor base is clearly not sufficient to activate the switch with the motor in the circuit. Mps2222, mps2222a general purpose transistors farnell. Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.
Winnerjoin transistor npn,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic. See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 5 of this data sheet. Mps2222a transistor datasheet pdf, mps2222a equivalent. Mmbt2222att1g, nsvmmbt2222att1g general purpose transistor npn silicon these transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. Bizarre transistor behavior and voltage with dc motor in simple circuit. Mps2222 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format.
The mps2222 is manufactured in a plastic to92 case. In this chapter, techniques for the analysis of transistor circuits will be demonstrated without the use. It is designed for low to medium current, low power, medium voltage, and can operate at moderately high speeds. Order in the next and choose twoday shipping at checkout. General purpose transistors npn silicon features these devices are pb. Jan 10, 2007 anyone know is there any difference between mps2222a, ksp2222a and 2n2222a. Small signal transistors npn, mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a circuit, mps2222a data sheet. Smd general purpose transistor npn bc81716bc81725bc81740. Description npn switching transistor in a to18 metal package. Mps2222a pdf, mps2222a description, mps2222a datasheets. Jul 19, 2016 a2222 datasheet pnp transistor 50v, 10a onsemi, 2sa2222sg datasheet, a2222 pdf, a2222 pinout, a2222 manual, a2222 schematic, a2222 equivalent.
Here is an image showing the pin diagram of the this transistor. Anyone know is there any difference between mps2222a, ksp2222a and 2n2222a. Page 2 of 5 electrical characteristics t ambient25. Mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a pdf, mps2222a data sheet, mps2222a manual, mps2222a pdf, mps2222a, datenblatt, electronics mps2222a, alldatasheet, free, datasheet. Pdf mps2222 mps2222a mps2222 transistor pin configuration transistor mps2222a mps2222 mps2222a. Features nsv prefix for automotive and other applications requiring. Q101 qualified and ppap capable s prefix for automotive and other applications requiring unique. Mps2222a lead pbfree mps2222ac lead pbfree and halogenfree to 92 1emitter 2base 3collector millimeter ref.
I found all these transistors and i have no idea whether they can be used as the 2n2222a transistor. General purpose transistor npn silicon these transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. Pinning pin description 1 emitter 2 base 3 collector, connected to case. Base voltage mps2222 mps2222a vcbo 60 75 vdc emitter. Onsemi, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors.
Emitter saturation voltage vbesat ic 150ma, ib 15ma 0. Mps2222, mps2222a mps2222a is a preferred device general purpose transistors npn silicon features pb free packages are available maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector emitter voltage mps2222 mps2222a vceo 30 40 vdc collector base voltage mps2222 mps2222a vcbo 60 75 vdc emitter base voltage mps2222 mps2222a vebo 5. I started a new motor related project recently with a new arduino uno, beginning with several tutorial circuits included in the vilros arduino guide. Pdf merge combinejoin pdf files online for free soda pdf.
Mps2222 on semiconductor, mps2222 datasheet page 2. Emitter voltage mps2222 mps2222a vceo 30 40 vdc collector. The 2n2222 is a common npn bipolar junction transistor bjt used for general purpose lowpower amplifying or switching applications. C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified symbol min. Motorola smallsignal transistors, fets and diodes device data 1 npn silicon maximum ratings rating symbol mps2222 mps2222a unit collectoremitter voltage vceo 30 40 vdc collectorbase voltage vcbo 60 75 vdc emitterbase voltage vebo 5. Designed for highspeed, mediumpower switching and generalpurpose amplifier applications.
Part of its appeal was that its just stuffed with schematics of. Ge, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for. To92 plasticencapsulate transistors mps2222a transistor npn feature complementary npn type available mps2907a to92 1. Consider using this device for circuits requiring switching and amplification of small loads. Free packages are available maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector. This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the header. Mps2222, mps2222a general purpose transistors pdf book. Onsemi general purpose transistorsnpn silicon,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Acz bc81716bc81725bc81740 smd general purpose transistor npn. Free, halogen freebfr free and are rohs compliant s prefix for automotive and other applications requiring unique site and control change requirements.
When looking at the flat side with the leads pointed downward, the three leads emerging from the transistor are, from left to right, the emitter, base, and collector leads. It is designed for general purpose amplifier applications and is housed in the sot. This transistor is also available in the sot23 case with the type designation mmbt2222a. The former is known as an npn transistor and the latter as a pnp transistor. Npn silicon planar switching transistor, mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a pdf, mps2222a datasheet pdf, datenblatt, pinouts, data sheet, schematic integrated circuits, transistor, semiconductors search and datasheet pdf download site. Mps2222, mps2222a mps2222a is a preferred device general purpose transistors npn silicon features pb. Page 2 of 3 electrical characteristics t ambient25. Silicon planar epitaxial transistors mps2222 mps2222a to92 plastic package general purpose, mps2222a units collector emitter voltage vceo 30 40 v collector base voltage vcbo, pd data sheet page 1 of 5 npn silicon planar epitaxial transistors mps2222 mps2222a to, 3. Mps2222a is a silicon epitaxial planar small signal npn transistor available in to92 through hole package. Q101 qualified and ppap capable maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector. Npn general purpose transistor the mmbt2222am3t5g device is a spin. General purpose transistorsnpn silicon, mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a circuit, mps2222a data sheet. Mps2222a datasheet, mps2222a datasheets, mps2222a pdf, mps2222a circuit.
This transistor is also available in the sot23 case with. This transistor is also available in the sot23 case with the type designation mmbt2222a mechanical data case. The traditional approach to the smallsignal analysis of transistor amplifiers employs the transistor models with dependent sources, illustrated in figure 18. This free online tool allows to combine multiple pdf or image files into a single pdf document. Mps2222a datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. A2222 datasheet pnp bipolar transistor 50v, 10a onsemi. Connect this pages through directly deep link is free datasheet search site.
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